
 Traffic Citation Info


Payable Traffic Citations

If the citation is marked payable, the amount will be indicated on the citation sheet given to you by the officer. For speeding violations, see the appropriate “MPH Over” for which you were cited for the correct payment amount on the back of the form. If you did not receive a citation sheet, please contact the Fayette County District Court, 150 N. Limestone, (859) 246-2228 for payment information.

  • All amounts listed on the citation sheet are for prepayment only and must be received before the court date listed.
  • Mailed payments should be check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. (All payments are transferred to the Commonwealth of Kentucky Revenue Cabinet).
  • Payments made in person must be cash, certified check or money order only.

Traffic School

If you have not been assigned to traffic school in the last year, you are eligible to attend on all moving prepayable offenses.

  • Traffic school notices are mailed to the address on your license. If your address is incorrect, you must have it corrected in order to be notified.
  • If you wish to attend, you may mail your citation and a check for the amount listed on the citation sheet before your court date to the address below.
  • Please enclose a note requesting traffic school. (You will be billed an additional amount by the school at a later date.)
  • If you pay in person, you must bring your citation and pay with cash, certified check or money order.

Not Guilty

If you wish to plead not guilty, appear in court on the date listed on your citation.

Equipment Violations

If you are cited for one of the equipment violations listed below, you may bring in proof of repair before the court date on the citation and the charge will be dismissed.

  • If you are cited for the offense codes 0401 or 0435, you may bring in a valid drivers license before the court date on the citation and the charge will be dismissed. (Drivers license must have been valid prior to violation date).
  • If you are cited for one of the offense codes 0405, 0407, or 0424, you may bring a copy of your new registration before your court date. If registration has been expired less than 30 days, the charge will be dismissed. If not renewed within 30 days, you must pay the fine.
  • If you are cited for offense code 0436 you must go to your local drivers license office and have the appropriate information changed, then bring your license to the address below before your court date and the charge will be dismissed.
  • If you are cited for failure to use safety belt in addition to a prepayable offense listed, and the officer marked your citation payable, and you wish to plead guilty to all charges, you may mail your payment to the address below including the additional fine for failure to use safety belt. If charged with failure to use safety belt only, pay amount listed on citation sheet.
  • If you are cited for offense code 0503, you may bring in your insurance policy, or card (IT MUST HAVE BEGINNING – EFFECTIVE DATE) or a letter from your insurance company verifying that you did have insurance PRIOR to the date on your citation.

You may present proof, or make payments (checks & money orders payable to Commonwealth of Kentucky) at:

150 N. Limestone
Lexington, KY 40507
Telephone: (859) 246-2228

If you fail to respond to your citation, your operators license may be suspended.

Equipment License/Registration Violations

0205 Inadequate silencer
0206 Improper equipment
0209 Vehicle a nuisance
0220 No tail lights
0226 One headlight
0231 Obstructed windshield
0240 No brake lights
0401 No operators license
0405 Improper registration plates
0407 No registration receipt
0424 No/Expired registration plates
0435 No license in possession
0436 Fail to notify D.O.T. change
0503 Fail to maintain insurance


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Last updated: 11/20/2014 9:17:55 AM